Become a Member

Interested in becoming a member?    Here's just some of the benefits of membership:

Access the PDF form below by clicking on the Open link in the upper right hand corner, download it and complete it first.  Then, either email it to us or better yet - bring it to our next meeting.  We'd love to welcome you in person!  

There is no fee to join our Democratic committee, but we encourage an annual donation.  We have different donation levels to use as a guideline listed below.  We are grateful for your donation which we use to further Democratic candidates and other community organizations that align with our democratic principles.  

Basic Annual Membership:  $30 per year (we renew all memberships in January).

Annual Membership with  a BCDC T-Shirt:  $40 per year

Annual Membership with a BCDC t-shirt and choice of BCDC insulated drinking cup:  $50 per year

Click here to link over to our Donate page to complete your donation and thank you!

BCDC membership affidavit-2023.pdf

<-------------  Here is the open link